Andrew's Success with Bariatric Surgery

"For most of my adult life, I struggled with my weight. I crossed over the 300-pound threshold when I was only a junior in college. From that point on, everything was a struggle- I’d sweat from the slightest physical exertion, fitting in spaces like a booth or airplane seat was difficult, and finding clothes that fit was always an ordeal.

As the years went on I kept getting bigger, which made these problems worse. My mom started asking if I had plans to lose weight, because my size was starting to make her worry. I knew she was coming from a place of love since no parent should lose a child, but I didn’t want to admit there was a problem.

Her worries became a reality on October 18th, 2020. My oldest brother Dan- who was in far better health than I was- very suddenly died. It took a few months, but eventually I realized I needed to make a change and that getting Roux-en-Y bariatric bypass was the best option. My mantra from that day on was “mom can’t lose another son; Nick can’t lose another brother.” It’s what gave me the motivation and the courage to move forward.

When I had my surgery in February 2022, I was 370 pounds, I was using a C-PAP machine, and was on 4 different medications. Since then I’ve lost almost 170 pounds, I no longer use my C-PAP machine, and am down to only one medication. I ran my first 5k in May of 2023, and first 10k in July of 2023, and now run a 5k for ordinary exercise multiple times a week; in the past, simply walking 1 mile seemed like a daunting task.

My life changed completely after my surgery, and it has been only positive. I have no regrets, and I recommend it to anyone who is struggling with their weight."

Andrew's Bariatric Surgery Before and After photo

Taking the First Step

To find out more about Bariatric procedures watch our free, on-demand, online seminar. You can also sign up for a consultation with the Covenant Bariatric team.

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