Brad's Success with Roux-en-Y Procedure

"My life changed on June 9, 2020, after my Roux-en-Y bariatric surgery. In September of 2019, I went to my first seminar at Covenant Mackinaw and it was like a light bulb went off – this was what I needed to change my life.

At my heaviest (385lbs), I knew I had to do something because all the fad diets just were not a long-term success for me. After my seminar and research of the possible surgery options, I made my first appointment to start my journey.

As I continued to work with the Covenant team to go through the process, I ran into a series of roadblocks, including the pandemic. Even with all the bumps in the road, I continued to have the mindset that this was going to be what I needed to live a long and healthy life. I would be able to play with my daughters and stop taking my cholesterol pills and using my C-Pap for sleep apnea.

Having this procedure is one of the best decisions I have made in my life. I am 15 months out from my surgery date and I am at 215 pounds. I’ve lost 170 pounds! This still shocks me to this day and I wake up proud of myself for doing what I do every day and for getting to where I am. Now instead of my kids asking me to hurry up or if we are going to do anything, they now ask me to slow down or if can we take a break! I take the stairs instead of using the elevator, go on vacation, and don’t worry about weight restrictions keeping me from doing something that I always wanted to do – from a tubing adventure in Puerto Rico to zip-lining through Alaska.

I am thankful to everyone at the Covenant Bariatric Center for believing in me and helping to support me through my journey."

Brad's Roux-En-Y Before and After photo

Taking the First Step

To find out more about Bariatric procedures watch our free, on-demand, online seminar. You can also sign up for a consultation with the Covenant Bariatric team.

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