Dorothy's Success with Bariatric Surgery

"I began my journey to health in 2018 when I accepted the fact that I had gained a lot of weight. I noticed a flyer for the Covenant bariatric seminar and attended. I sat through the entire seminar, but I did not listen or learn and didn’t take any further action.

However, in 2019, my family doctor informed me that I would have to start taking additional medication for diabetes – I was not happy. My weight on this day was 297lbs. Because I had tried other weight loss programs and didn't keep the weight off, he suggested that I’d be a good candidate for bariatric surgery. I attended the seminar for a second time, really listened and was ready to start my journey.

I set up my initial visit with Dr. Ringley and the dietitian and proceeded through my journey determined not to fail. I continued through this process until I was told that my insurance would not cover this procedure. I was determined to have the surgery, so I explored all my options. I reapplied for a different insurance that would cover my procedure and was finally approved in October 2020. My gastric sleeve surgery date was scheduled for November 3rd, 2020 – ELECTION DAY. I voted for my life… my health.

There were many ups and downs through my recovery. By the time I reached my 6 week check-up, I was moving very well and feeling great. I signed up for a CrossFit bootcamp, completed the bootcamp and continued working out. The weight continued to drop!

At the beginning of this journey my Initial BMI was 47.2 - morbidly obese. My current BMI is 33.9 - overweight. I would like to get close to a normal BMI of 25.

This journey is yours and yours alone. Enjoy and take lots of pictures along the way. I have finally made it to ONEderland!!"

Dorothy's Bariatric Surgery Before and After photo

Taking the First Step

To find out more about Bariatric procedures watch our free, on-demand, online seminar. You can also sign up for a consultation with the Covenant Bariatric team.

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