Kathy's Success with Bariatric Surgery

"My name is Kathy and I am 59 years old. My starting weight was 363lbs and I was on 12 different medications. Today I weigh in at 132lbs and take no medications at all.

I struggled with my weight my whole life. I have always been called “the fat girl”. I have 7 beautiful grandchildren and I had never been able to play with them because of my weight. My doctor told me if I didn’t do something about my weight now, I would be in a wheelchair the rest of my life – those words changed my life forever. In December 2018 I went to a Covenant Bariatric Seminar.

I went to the seminar determined to change my life. After the seminar, I went for a huge lunch at Golden Corral, knowing this was the last time I would ever do this. The following day, I began this journey on my own and began to prepare myself and body for what was ahead. I cut my portions to 4oz. I cut out a lot of foods and focused on eating more salads, fruit, chicken, turkey and pork. I started walking 3 times per day and I lost 107lbs on my own.

When I got the call that I was approved for surgery, I was so excited to not be “the fat girl” anymore. I had surgery in June of 2020 and was home the following morning. That afternoon I walked 12 miles. I felt amazing! Today, food is no longer my comfort, my family is and the support of my friends and employer is amazing. My journey will never be over… I am now having skin removal surgery and can’t wait to look in the mirror at the new me.

Thank you to the Covenant Bariatric Team for giving me my life back. If you have the chance, I recommend putting your mind and body in the right place before you have surgery. I found it’s the way to succeed. I love me now and love the new tool I have been given. Good luck to everyone on your new journey."

Kathy's Bariatric Surgery Before and After photo

Taking the First Step

To find out more about Bariatric procedures watch our free, on-demand, online seminar. You can also sign up for a consultation with the Covenant Bariatric team.

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