Missy's Success with the Gastric Sleeve Procedure

"I'm a nurse and a single mom, so a lot of my time is spent caring for others. Even when I got divorced a few years ago, I didn't give myself or my health much attention. I was only focusing on school and my son, Trevor.

Around that time, a friend of mine had bariatric surgery at Covenant and lost a lot of weight. She encouraged me to look into it.

Since I had Trevor in Saginaw and had a really good experience with Covenant, they were the only hospital I thought about for the surgery. They made everything simple, from pre-tests and pre-screenings through post-op. I had a really easy experience. Whenever I had a question, they were there with a prompt response.

I've lost 84 pounds since surgery. Things like shopping are so much more fun now. And I can be a more active mom for Trevor.

We went to the waterpark the other day. And even things like sledding, I bought snow pants for the first time this year so we could go. I would have never done that before."

Taking the First Step

To find out more about Bariatric procedures watch our free, on-demand, online seminar. You can also sign up for a consultation with the Covenant Bariatric team.

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